150 years Geberit

150 years Geberit

150 years Geberit

Geberit, the leading company in the field of sanitary ware celebrated its 150 years with an impressive event at the Acropolis Museum. This event was an opportunity for the company to celebrate its long and successful career in its industry and to present the innovations and technological developments that have established it as a market leader.

The event was attended by Geberit executives, customers and partners such as representatives of the Lakiotis company, who had the opportunity to get to know the company's history and development up close. Through presentations, screenings and exhibits, attendees discovered how Geberit has contributed to the development of sanitation and drainage systems, as well as how it continues to innovate and offer high-quality solutions.

The choice of the Acropolis Museum for the celebration was not accidental, as it combines historical heritage with contemporary architecture and innovation, elements that reflect Geberit's values ​​and philosophy.

Celebrating 150 years of Geberit was a special moment for the company, marking an unwavering commitment to quality, innovation and sustainability. Through the event, Geberit confirmed that it will continue to invest in research and development in order to offer solutions that meet the needs of the modern world and contribute to improving the quality of life.

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